Bryan Sallee - 2019-12-29

12 Days of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas

Continue the Christmas conversation as we sit in the resounding impact of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Word Made Flesh. This is one of many worship movements that will take place this year as our community of faith adheres, as much as possible, to the Christian Church calendar. It is our desire find more ways to observe the rhythms and movements that guide our worship of the Triune God.

From Series: "12 Days of Christmas"

Continue the Christmas conversation as we sit in the resounding impact of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Word Made Flesh. This is one of many worship movements that will take place this year as our community of faith adheres, as much as possible, to the Christian Church calendar. It is our desire find more ways to observe the rhythms and movements that guide our worship of the Triune God.

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